Meet Nancy

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I was introduced to ceramics in college, where I immediately fell in love with clay. My professor asked me to change my major to ceramics, but I short-sightedly declined. Since only majors could continue with classes, I thought it would end there.

Fast forward 30 plus years, and I was asked by my school administrator to teach pottery classes. Knowing what a learning curve it would entail, I initially refused; still the idea would not go away. I found Simon Leach’s YouTube videos, and began to learn again in my garage. Since my professor in college had studied with Warren MacKenzie, who apprenticed with Simon’s grandfather Bernard Leach, the techniques were familiar, and hope came back and reignited my love for clay. Later when I met Simon as a workshop participant, it was he who gave me the needed encouragement to plunge in and work at it as a career. 

Nancy Overgaard

I have always had a fascination for porcelain, so in early 2021 I ventured out and took two beginning classes with Antoinette Badenhorst online. Then in April of 2022, I and three others were privileged to spend a week-long workshop with Antoinette in her home studio. She is an inspiring teacher, and her knowledge on the subject of porcelain is incredible. This has fueled my passion to work with porcelain!

The Reduction Kiln at Bradley University with dozens of pottery pieces ready to be fired

The reduction kiln at Bradley University; some of my items are on the top two shelves, and you might see some of my mugs below!

In September of 2022 to May 2023, I studied informally at Bradley University under Randy Carlson. There I had a great first experience of working in a potting community, and expanded my horizons with atmospheric firings. My dream is to ultimately have access to a reduction kiln: and salt, soda and wood firings are all exciting, with their unique surface changing properties.

This September I was approached by an art gallery in Germantown Hills, Illinois, the “Art Korner.” Displaying my work in their showrooms has been a great experience, as I am working with an amazing group of artists there.

I continuing to work with both clay and porcelain out of my home studio, and enjoy the challenges of new ideas and techniques. 

The mind of a man plans his steps, but the Lord directs his path.
— Proverbs 16:9 NASB